Understanding the user journey, and focusing on the right events over the course of that journey, is one of the most important exercises for anyone in the world of mobile to perform. Of course, that journey will differ from platform to platform, campaign to campaign, and even from user to user. Instead of throwing up our hands and giving up, we bring you some key common events throughout user journeys that are important to focus on in order to drive your success.
Events Through The User’s Journey
Focusing on the right events through the user’s journey has a number of benefits. These include:
- Increased number of registered users
- Increased revenues
- Higher retention rate
- More engaged users and loyal users
Let’s look at 4 of the key events to focus on:
The First Step
This event is make-or-break. A positive first step can onboard a passionate user for life. A misstep here, however, can (and all too often does) lead to exiting from and deleting of the app. Different apps have different audiences, different approaches and different strategies. What works for one app might be the worst thing possible for another. Some apps lead with a social login, others with instructions, and some just open to the main screen. What’s common across all apps is that this event, the first action within the app, needs to be so thought-through, tested and refined in order to get – and keep – loyal users.
Enable Communication
Once users are enjoying your app, what options do you have to engage them further? To point out new features, or send perfectly timed communication? “Email!”, we hear someone shout out from the back. Absolutely not. In-app communication, primarily through push notifications, are such a powerful tool when it comes to engaging with users at the exactly the right time. It could be a time of year (Christmas special!) or a point in their in-app experience. The key event here is getting the user to first approve push notifications, and then ensure that these are short, sharp and effective.
While not necessarily relevant to all apps, the payment step is one of the most difficult hurdles to surmount, particularly for apps running a freemium/in-app purchase model. That’s why we feel this step is so important when it comes to the user’s journey. Most apps that do have a payment element will start by lowering the barrier to entry, by either requiring a credit card to be on file without charging it, or by offering a very low-priced item. This step can open the door to revenue streams you dreamed of, and can ensure that your users are delighted, challenges and exposed to everything your app has to offer.
How do you know when your users absolutely love your offering? That’s right, when they share it with their friends (both virtual and IRL ones). To enable this however, you have to make sharing both easy and convenient. It also helps if it’s incentivized, too. This is a key event: when a user shares your app, and here we’ll include giving it a 5-star rating, you know that you have a high-value user and evangelist for your product. These users are gold, and should be kept happy and connected.
The Right Events Mean The Right Outcomes
Focusing on the right events through the user’s journey will unlock tremendous learnings, and has the power to produce a multiplier effect on your current strategies and campaigns. When it comes to understanding your users and their journeys, Moburst can help! Find out more by getting in touch.